Stone & Sweet
Personal Life Coaching and Beyond
Helping You Find & Forge Your Own Path
Somatic Experiencing
A body-oriented therapeutic model that helps heal trauma and other stress disorders
Personal Life Coaching
A multi-disciplinary approach to helping you achieve your goals

Goal Setting
Dream Big. Create Steps. Climb With Care.

Relationship Coaching
Unification. Finding a center. Reaffirming Love.

Stress Management
Recognition. Mindfulness. Alleviation.

Career Advice
Efficiency. Organization. Success.
We offer Somatic Experiencing sessions as well as the coaching packages below. Sessions are $150. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.
Coaching Packages
Silver Lotus
Concise, focused, & goal oriented!
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12 weeks of emails, reminders, research. Includes a total of 6 sessions (2 per month.) 1 TML care package full of goodies to get you started.
Golden Lotus
Diverse, targeted, & structured!
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24 weeks of emails, lessons, intellectual stimulation. Includes a total of 12 individual sessions (2 per month.) 2 TML care packages to keep the momentum going.
Platinum Lotus
A full year of multiple lessons, contributions, & life changing courses.
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52 weeks of emails, curiosities, and exploration. Includes a total of 26 sessions (2 per month + 2 bonus.) 5 TML care packages with 3 bonus sessions of 1:1 activities just for you!
Additional Offerings
We are happy to provide custom packages for our clients based on the needs of the individual or couple. Reach out to explore our custom offerings and addons to the packages listed above.
Psychedelic Integration
Integration is the most important part after experiencing altered states of consciousness. Taking the wisdom learned and applying it to our life can be a challenge. We have the training and tools to support the changes you have been called to make.
Somatic Experiencing
A body-oriented therapeutic model that helps heal trauma and other stress disorders. It is effective where talk-therapy falls short. Clients with PTSD, chronic syndromes, and digestive issues find significant relief with this model.
We have the privilege of creating a safe container for our clients to journey. We sit with you, bear witness to your experience, and support you. We follow the lineage of our primary mentor, using the three worlds (Pachas) as the guiding principles for our time together.
Custom Created Meditations
With the benefit of having artists on our team, we can create/articulate beautiful and unique guided meditations specifically designed for your needs. Complete with soothing music and binaural beats to help your mind and thoughts relax.
Personalized Yoga Sessions
Whether in person, video class, or recorded, we have the knowledge and availability to give your body the extra assistance you may be seeking!
About Us
Combining unique life experience with education and certification, The Metal Lotus is not your average, bland coaching service. Somatic experiencing, creative endeavors, meditation, yoga, and a well spring of information are all at our client’s disposal.
We are your guides through the switchbacks of life. Sharing methodologies, imparting knowledge, and supporting the cultivation of new habits… moving you from surviving to thriving.
“The work we have done using Somatic Experiencing has been so profound I’ve shifted away from talk therapy and my daughter is having sessions as well. We have found so much more relief with this kind of embodied support from both Sweet & Stone.” -Raven in NV
“Stone & Sweet have the most amazing and supportive energy in ceremony.” – Anonymous in CA
“Sweet & Stone are playful, kind, and supportive.” Anonymous in São Paulo