Sweet & Stone
Guiding You Toward Your Inner Sunshine
From the murky pond of the past, we can grow stronger and more beautiful than ever before
She has passion for creating joy through energetic connections and trauma resolution which helps her
clients create change in their everyday lives.
She bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and western practices, with the added experience and knowledge of plant medicine and psychedelic integration.
Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach and dedicated yogi (RYT-500 in Therapeutic Yoga), she has trained in Somatic Experiencing, TRE/ Neurogenic Yoga, Heart Math, and more.
She holds a graduate degree and continues to research and explore the role of ancient wisdom in healing.
Goals: To help her clients achieve a stronger mind-body connection.

Life Coach, Musician, World Traveler, Writer, and all around artistic and humble human being.
Holding a degree in Eng Lit and Poli-Sci, his communication skills are respectable and concise.
A wealth of knowledge in historical events, philosophy, and problem solving.
He is a master at the art of analogy. Helping many relate to complex ideas. 🙏🔥
Goals: To assist in individuals achieving their full potential, and move from “survive” to “thrive.”

We offer Somatic Experiencing sessions as well as the coaching packages below. Sessions are $150. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.
Coaching Packages
Silver Lotus
Concise, focused, & goal oriented!
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12 weeks of emails, reminders, research. Includes a total of 6 sessions (2 per month.) 1 TML care package full of goodies to get you started.
Golden Lotus
Diverse, targeted, & structured!
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24 weeks of emails, lessons, intellectual stimulation. Includes a total of 12 individual sessions (2 per month.) 2 TML care packages to keep the momentum going.
Platinum Lotus
A full year of multiple lessons, contributions, & life changing courses.
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52 weeks of emails, curiosities, and exploration. Includes a total of 26 sessions (2 per month + 2 bonus.) 5 TML care packages with 3 bonus sessions of 1:1 activities just for you!